To be legendary is to show unconditional love, unwavering commitment, consistent sacrifice and conviction to raising children effectively and honestly. For FATHERZUP, the definition of legend goes far beyond those heralded in storybooks and on television screens. To be a legend is to be present, aware, and selfless for the betterment of youth. The "Raised by Legends" pyramid edition t-shirt is a tribute to the ones that made our existence possible and an inspiration to the future generation of legends
Sure, a codebar is an optical machine-readable representation of data, but in the case of Fatherzup, it's a universal language. No matter what corner of the world you live in or what language you speak, the barcode transcends it all and unites.
We chose it as our logo, so sport the image proudly and join the movement... Buy a shirt to become a member of the Fatherzup World!